
Z.Slim Capsules coming in 2018

NO GYM BE SLIM Capsules provides a means for weight management in the form of a polyherbal composition comprising Caralluma Fimbriata, Garcinia Cambogia, Boerhavia Diffusa, Green Tea, Trigonella Foenum Graceum, Syzygium Cumini Seed & Chromium. The reduction in weight can be achieved through reducing appetite, reducing edema (swelling), normalizing blood glucose levels, decreasing fat synthesis, enhancing metabolism, thereby lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and subsequently hypertension also.

NO GYM BE SLIM is a multi approach way to control weight gain by providing a herbal extracts composition which can increase metabolism, thermogenesis, and control diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, it has been established that full spectrum herbal extrac...


Caralluma is a succulent plant (cactus) from India. In India it grows wild and is often used as a border in gardens and as a roadside shrub. It is also found in the wild in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Southern Europe. Traditionally, Indian tribes chewed chunks of caralluma to keep from being hungry during a long hunt. These days, a solution that contains chemicals taken from the plant (extract) is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance. In foods in India, caralluma is cooked as a vegetable and is used in preserves such as chutneys and pickles. It is also eaten raw. Caralluma fimbriata contains pregnane glycosides, a phytochemical that blocks the enzyme citrate lyase. When this enzyme’s activity is stopped, your body cannot produce fat. So, Caralluma Fimbriata blocks the enzymes responsible for breaking down and producing fatty acids in the body. Caralluma fimbriata also blocks Malonyl Coenzyme A, another enzyme involved in fat production. By interfering with the activity of both of these enzymes, Caralluma fimbriata forces your body to start burning its own fat reserves, thus promoting fat loss


Garcinia Cambogia is an exotic fruit grown in South India and has been used for centuries to impart a distinctive sour flavor to Indian cooking. The active ingredient extracted from the Garcinia Cambogia (Indica) is (?)hydroxycitric acid that acts as an appetite suppressant and a lipid-lowering agent, as well as a fat burning agent. One way hydroxycitrate (HCA) present in the fruit rind of Garcinia species reduces weight gain is by competitively inhibiting ATP-citrate lyase, the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the extramitochondrial cleavage of citrate to oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA, a building block of fatty acid synthesis. The mode of action of HCA appears to center on its ability to slow the regeneration of acetyl CoA—the citrate cleavage enzyme outside the mitochondria in hepatic cells. The effect is to reduce the major source of carbon atoms available for the synthesis of triglycerides, cholesterol and storage of fat without reduction in energy output. Carbon atoms are instead directed to glycogen in the muscles and liver, resulting in more stamina and increased endurance, but not increased body weight. Therefore, HCA is considered to be an effective herbal medicine for controlling obesity and cholesterol by inhibiting lipogenesis in the body.


Boerhavia diffusa is a species of flowering plant in the four o'clock family which is commonly known as punarnava (meaning that which rejuvenates or renews the body), red spiderling, spreading hogweed, or tarvine. It is taken in herbal medicine for pain relief and other uses. The leaves of B. diffusa are often used as a green vegetable in many parts of India. Boerhavia diffusa is widely dispersed, occurring throughout India, the Pacific, and southern United States. This wide range is explained by its small fruit, which are very sticky and grow a few inches off the ground, ideally placed to latch on to small migratory birds as they walk by. Boerhavia diffusa is believed to improve and protect eyesight. B. diffusa has diuretic properties and is used by diabetics to lower blood sugar. Boerhavia diffusa has shown antibacterial activity, mainly against Gram-negative bacteria. Extracts of B. diffusa leaves have shown antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties in pharmacological models. Punarnavine (an alkaloid isolated from B. diffusa) has shown some in vitro anticancer, antiestrogenic, immunomodulatory, and antiamoebic activity (particularly against Entamoeba histolytica). Boerhavia diffusa is a source of antioxidants, and may be effective against arsenic trioxide (an effective drug used against acute promyelocytic leukemia) induced cardio toxicity.


Green Tea leaves contain 1-2% by weight of an L-enantiomer stereoisomer of an amino acid. This amino acid is called Theanine and the L-enantiomer stereoisomer is referred to as L-Theanine. Extracts of Green Tea ( Camellia sinensis ) containing higher concentrations of L-Theanine may have the ability to assist in weight loss by reducing stress. L-Theanine's stress reducing capabilities are well documented. In human clinical trials, Mason R et al. found that L Theanine stimulates the production of alpha brain waves thereby creating a sense of alertness and relaxation. [Mason R. 2001] It was also found that L-Theanine is involved in the formation of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). This leads to a relaxation effect as GABA influences the levels of the neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin.

Oral administration of green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenol and caffeine stimulates thermogenesis and fat oxidation and thus has the potential to influence body weight and body composition via changes in both energy expenditure and substrate utilization. In particular, tea polyphenol have been suggested to play a role in lowering the oxidation of low density cholesterol (LDL), with a consequent decreased risk of heart disease. In a cross-cultural correlation study of sixteen cohorts, known as the Seven Countries Study, the average flavanol intake was inversely correlated with mortality rates of coronary heart disease after 25 years of follow-up.


Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae with leaves consisting of three small obovate to oblong leaflets. It is cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop, and its seeds are a common ingredient in dishes from the Indian Subcontinent. The leaves and seeds of the Fenugreek plant are widely used in Indian cuisine.

The herb has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic compositions as a moisturizer, specially formulated to hydrate dry skin. Applied topically, the herb is also helpful in treating boils, abscesses and ulcers. Fenugreek is a natural source of protein, which rebuilds and strengthens the hair shaft. It reduces hair fall and promotes hair growth. Fenugreek seeds function as an appetite suppressant and give a feeling of satiety more quickly. The German Commission E documented its mild antiseptic property. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia reported that the herb's actions as demulcent and hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar levels). ESCOP and the WHO monographs indicate the use of the seeds as an adjuvant in therapies for diabetes mellitus, anorexia, and high cholesterol.

A C-steroidal sapogenin peptide ester, fenugreekine, exhibits hypoglycemic activity. The saponin-rich extracts reduce cholesterol levels. The fibrous fraction of the seeds also causes a reduction in blood lipids. The herb is helpful in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (myrtaceae) commonly known as “jamun” is a large evergreen tree, reaching approximately 30 m in height, and is found throughout the Indian subcontinent. S. cumini is a medicinal plant, various parts of which have been pharmacologically proven to possess hypoglycaemic. The fruit and seed of Syzygium cumini are used as antidiabetic agent by decreasing kidney’s catalase activity. This causes a significant reduction in serum glucose by regeneration of pancreatic islet cells. Further, it stimulates insulin secretion and eliminates risk of hyperglycemia and cardiovascular complication.

Previously, flavonol glycosides have been isolated from the roots of this plant.3,4 Acylated flavonol glycosides, including mearnsetin (3-O-(4″-O-acetyl)- α-L- rhamnopyranoside) and myricetin (3-O-(4″-O-acetyl-2″-O-galloyl)-α- Lrhamnopyranoside), have been isolated from the leaves of S. cumini.5 The seeds of the tree have also been reported as a rich source of polyphenols, gallic acid and ellagic acid derivatives, corillagin and related ellagitannins, 3,6- hexahydroxydiphenoyl- glucose, 4,6-hexahydroxydiphenoyl-glucose, 1-galloyl glucose, 3-galloyl glucose and quercetin.


No Gym Be Slim Capsules are 100% natural or pure products there are no side effects what so ever if you are in a general good health. Further, Garcinia has been used in foods as a seasoning for many years. Safety of Caralluma fimbriata is reinforced by the fact that it has been traditionally used in the India for many years. Boerhavia Diffusa, Green Tea, Trigonella Foenum Graceum, Syzygium Cumini Seed has a history of safe usage as a dietary supplement. There have been several clinical trials showing these to be safe in acute administration at doses as high as upto 10-20 times the dose used in diet supplements and in extended doses in obese and overweight subjects.

Suggested use:

Take 3 capsules twice daily with liquid between 30 and 60 minutes before a meal.


Keep out of reach of children, do not take this product if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Store in cool, dry place. This is a Food Supplement & should not be taken as curative medication for any disease or disorder. (Proprietary Food)


1. Caralluma Fimbriata 150 mg
2. Garcinia cambogia 150 mg
3. Green Tea Extract 33 mg
4. Boerhavia Diffusa 25 mg
5. Trigonella foenum graceum 50 mg
6. Syzygium cumini seed 35 mg
7. Chromium Picolinate 33 mcg

NO GYM BE SLIM Capsule is a clinically proven, safe and effective polyherbal formulation that helps to reduce appetite, regulate body fat production and utilization. It also eliminates your craving for sweets, normalizes energy production and utilization in the body and helps you stay healthy and trim and healthy.

  •  Caralluma .Fimbriata._. Reduces.appetite
  •  Gercinia.Cambogia._. Reduce.body.mass
  •  Green.Tea._. Burn.Fat.by.boosting.your.metabolism
  •  Boerhavia.Diffusa._. Reduce.Edema.(swelling)
  •  Syzygium.Cumini.Seed._. Reduce.blood.glucose.levels
  •  Chromium.picolinare._. Metabolise.sugar.and .control.sugar.carvings
  •  Drugs.Free.with.no.side.effect._.
  •  Trigonella.Foenum.Graceum._. Help.to.Maintain.healthy.sugar.and      .cholesterol.labels