ZSpray Miracle Patened Product

Regular Price:  $135 USD

ZSpray is a proprietary and patented nutraceutical oral spray that has the ability to provide similar therapeutic effects of 1,25 Dihydroxy vitamin D3, stimulate the immune system, enhance wound healing, facilitate gene transcription, correct the underlying health problems and inhibit a wide range of disease processes. It is a branded formulation of Metadichol® and has a particle size less than 50 nm. In human studies, Zcure has been shown to target and improve key biomarkers implicated in diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, viral infection, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, cancer, kidney disease, blood disorders and auto immune diseases. Zcure supports whole body homeostasis and it is effective for long term health maintenance. Zcure Policosanol Nano Spray – the amazing Doctor Z in a bottle!

ZSpray is a made up of natural ingredients , which is very helpfull for your to refresh yourself. It is a branded formulation of Metadichol® and has a particle size less than 50 nm. In human studies, Zcure has been shown to target and improve key biomarkers implicated in diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, viral infection, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, cancer, kidney disease, blood disorders and auto immune diseases.

Case Study Results

Long Term Effect

Male 60. Has been taking Metadichol for 4 yers. Never been sick.Not even a cold. Did not experience any side effect.Results indicate that Zcure spray is safe for long term use and could be helpful in maintaining optimal health and preventing diseases

Type 1 Diabetes

Male 26. Diagonsed with type 1 diabetes at age 3. Daily insulin intake was 30 units. Treated with Metabolic for 21 weeks

Results show that Zcure spray could be helpful in enhancing the beta cell activity and in increasing endogenous insulin production in type 1 diabetes patients.

Nephrotic Syndrome

Girl age 4. High protein level in urine. Treated with Metadichol for 4 weeks.

Result show that Zcure spray could be helpful in treating kidney diseases.

Type 2 Diabetes

Male 43. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at age 38. Very low plasma vitamin C level. treated with Metadichol for 6 months.

Results show that Zcure spray could be helpful in increasing vitamin C level and treating patients with type 2 diabetes.

Kidney Infection

Girl 10. Diagnosed with kidney infection with albumin in the urine. Treated with Metadichol at 10mg daily. Urine test after 10 days showed complete remission of infection and on traces of albumin.

Results show that Zcure spray could be helpful in treating patients with kidney infection.

Type 2 Diabetes and Hyperinsulinemia

Male 42. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and hyperinsulinemia at age 37. Treated with Metadichol for 6 months.

Results show that Zcure spray could be helpful in treating patients with type 2 diabetes and hyperinsulinemia.

Type 2 Diabetes

Female 47. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at age 41. Treated with metadichol for 6 months.

Results show that Zcure spray could b helpful in treating patients with type 2 diabetes.

Obesity and Cholestrol

Male 48. Obese with BMI > 30 and very low HDL. Treated with Metadichol for 8 weeks.

Results show that Zcure spray could be helpful in improving HDL, LDL,total cholestrol to HDL ration, and BMI.


Female 50. Diagnosed with hypertension and types diabetes. Trated with Metadichol for 6 months.

Results show that Zcure spray could be helpful in treating patients with hypertension.

Knee and Joint Pain

Male 48. Knee and joint pain during the day, and numbness and pain at night. Low plasma vitamin C level. Treated with Metadichol for 3 months.

The patient's daytime knee and joint pain was completely suppresses and his night time pain was reduced to a minimum. Results show that Zcure spray could be helpful in treating knee and joint pain.